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Formal Letter of Introduction

Dear Ms. Nagales,

            I first became really interested in science in my childhood when I would watch PBS Kids and Outrageous Acts of Science on the Science Channel. I first started studying science in schoo during science class but then I began to study at home. The aspects of science that I am drawn to the most are the aspects involving biology, specifically animals. This interest in animals was born from watching Wild Kratts (a children’s show focused learning about animals) on PBS Kidswhen I was younger. I was also drawn to environmental science, especially climate change, due to my 5th grade teacher’s positive influence. An example of how science is relevant in my life was when my dad took a very bad fall and suffered a broken hip and shoulder. Thanks to the emergency surgery that was performed on my dad he was able to make a full recovery. In the spirit of that experience, the impact I hope to have on the science community is that of a positive one, albeit I don’t have a precise idea as of yet what I want to pursue in biology. This positive impact also extends to the global community. I hope to have figured out what I want to pursue by March of this year. I hope what I end up pursuing will help people in the same vein of how those surgeons helped my dad recover from his injuries.

            By the end of the spring semester I hope that, through practice and your advice, that my writing centered around science will have improved compared to my last English class and my science classes back in high school. An element of my writing that I hope to improve throughout the semester is the ability to be more concise with my writing. In previous writing assignments that involved a large word count, I sometimes wasn’t able to write the minimum amount of words needed, even though I felt that I had completed the assignment otherwise. In order to solvethis issue, I would add more adjectives than were necessary, or I would just add words here-or-there in order to pad the word count. I hope to move past this aspect of my writing by finding ways to create more meaningful sentences and ideas to add to my writing.